We’re going to take the approach of starting quickly and building a minimal viable product (MVP), a concept popularized in the book The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. “The important thing to remember is that whatever you feel inspired to build, you should build it now. Just start.” – Execute But if you want to dive right in to actually building something, then read on for a high-level overview of where to get started with a number of different approaches to building your app.
We at Treehouse are here to help! If you want help fleshing out your idea to actually build a business around it, then check out our Business content, especially the stage From Idea to Execution in the How to Build Your Company project. But you don’t know the first thing about programming and have no idea how to get started. You have an idea for a killer app, and you can’t put it to rest until you build it. You can’t help but feel like there’s a gaping hole in the home screen of your smartphone.

You’re even a little distracted watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. Your mind wanders back to it when you know you should be concentrating on your work that currently pays the bills. You know the signs: you can’t stop thinking about it as you fall asleep at night.